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Past Programmes

Programmes since 2003, but without illustrations, are kept on the site, partly to remind us who we have had speak to us previously, and also so that search-engines will find relevant hits on the site.

2023 / 4

12th September 2023

19th Century Radical Politics in Heanor

Paul Jones looks at the early politics in the area.

Tuesday 10th October

Teacher, Trader, Lion-Tamer and Spy

Alice Wheeldon and the Pear Tree Conspiracy; with Ian Green

Tuesday 17th October

Heanor History Quiz

Join us for an evening quiz at the Heanor Miners Welfare

Tuesday 14th November

“My Mum had One of Those!”
Janet and Paul Barrass
 on the things our mothers owned

Tuesday 12th December

The Ealing Comedies

The pinnacle of British cinema, with Robert Mee

Tuesday 9th January 2024

Ilkeston Electric Tramway

Stephen Flinders on the town’s pioneering tramway system

Tuesday 13th February

Street Entertainers

Punch and Judy to busking, told (and sung) by Dave Mooney

Tuesday 12th March

My Derbyshire Life

With Ashley Franklin, radio presenter and photographer.

Tuesday 9th April

The Linby Pancakes

Gareth Howell on a Viking army and the history of Pancake Day.

Tuesday 14th May


Archaeologist Dr James Wright talks about secret tunnels and other myths.

Tuesday 11 June

A trip to Bromley House Library, Nottingham

The city’s hidden library, founded in 1816.

2022 / 3

13th September 2022

September 1947: Heanor

A snapshot in time, with Robert Mee

11th October 2022

Food and Drink in Tudor and Stuart Derbyshire

Mark Dawson on how  our ancestors dined

8th November 2022

Nottinghamshire Secrets, Mysteries and Curiosities

Chris Weir on the unseen face of our neighbouring county

13th December 2022

Can you Hear me Mother?

The art of  the monologue, with David Skillen

10th January 2023

The Curious World of Old Time Punishments

with Ian Morgan: let the punishment fit the crime?

14th February 2023

Their Names will Live on

True stories of local war heroes, with Andrew Smart

14th March 2023

Can you Remember your Number?

The Co-op in the Heanor area, with Gordon Shaw  and Louise Heaton

11th April 2023

The Derby Friargate Line

Keith Blood on this nearby railway route

9th May 2023

The Fishpool Treasure Hoard

Gareth Howell on this medieval Nottinghamshire discovery

13 June 2023

A walk around Heanor Cemetery

Its history and occupants – with Robert Mee

2021 / 22

14th September 2021

Heanor & District Listed Buidings

Gordon Shaw takes a look at our significant local buildings

12th October 2021

Knitters, Nailers and Traitors

Belper and the Industrial Revolution

David Skillen on how a Derbyshire town changed the world

9th November 2021

Bolsover Castle through the Ages

with Ian Morgan: from humble Norman origins to a pleasure palace

14th December 2021

Season’s Greetings – a Christmas Miscellany

Poems, traditions and childhood memories, with Ann Featherstone

11th January 2022

Militant Feminism 1900-1918

with Ian Green: from tearoom chatter to bomb attacks

8th February 2022

Vic Hallam – One Man and his Company

Robert Mee repeats the story of the major Langley Mill employer

8th March 2022

War Heroes to Enemies of the State

Gareth Howell on the Life, Work and Struggles of the Coal Miners

12th April 2022

D. H. Lawrence

Andrew Harrison. A look at the life of this local author

10th May 2021

Ormond Colliery

David Amos celebrates its history, 50+ years on

June 2022

Ruddington Framework Knitters Museum

2020/21 – Everything cancelled due to the Covid pandemic.

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Heanor & District’s Listed Buildings

The local buildings of special architectural and historic interest, with Gordon Shaw.

Tuesday  13 October

Vic Hallam: One Man and his Company

Robert Mee gives a repeat performance of this talk on a very local firm.

Tuesday 10 November

Ormonde Colliery – 50 Years on.

Presented by mining historian, David Amos.

Tuesday 8 December

Knitters, Nailers and Traitors: Belper & the Industrial Revolution

How a Derbyshire town changed the world – with David Skillen.

Tuesday 12 January 2021

The First in Derbyshire: Ilkeston Electric Tramway 1903-31

Steve Flinders invites you to hold on and enjoy the ride!

Tuesday 9 February

Militant Feminism 1900 – 1918

From tearoom chatter to Derbyshire arson and assassination plots. By Ian Green

Tuesday 9 March

Bolsover Castle through the Ages

Ian Morgan tells its tale, from humble Norman origins to a pleasure palace.

Heanor & District’s Listed Buildings

The local buildings of special architectural and historic interest, with Gordon Shaw.

Tuesday 13 April

D.H. Lawrence
A look at the life of this local author, with his biographer Dr Andrew Harrison.

Tuesday 11 May

Annual General Meeting, followed by

War Heroes to Enemies of the State?

The life, work and struggles of the coal miners, 1919 – 1990, with Gareth Howell.


Tuesday 10 September 2019

Medieval Medicine, Superstition & Science

Did medics deserve their bad reputation? By Gareth Howell.

Tuesday  8 October

Alton Towers
Jordan Cobb
 gives the history of the Staffordshire estate turned into a theme park.

Tuesday 12 November

World War I Conscientious Objectors

The story of Heanor and Ilkeston pacifists, with Ian Green.

Tuesday 10 December

Crich Tramway Museum

Roger West and Frank Bagshaw describe this local living museum.

Tuesday 14 January 2020

Fingerprint Evidence & History

The history of dactyloscopy (!). With Paul Newsham.

Tuesday 11 February

The Adventures of an Edwardian Balloon Parachutist

Tony Waldron tells the story of Dolly Shepherd, a sky-diving pioneer.

Tuesday 10 March

When Dracula came to Derby

Anne Featherstone – so you can be sure that the talk is on a subject about entertainment.

Tuesday 14 April

D.H. Lawrence
A look at the life of this local author, with his biographer Dr Andrew Harrison.

Tuesday 12 May

Annual General Meeting, followed by

Vic Hallam: One Man and his Company

A repeat performance for this talk on this very local firm. With Robert Mee.


Trip to Ruddington Framework Knitting Museum


Tuesday 11 September 2018

Inn Signs and Local History

A fascinating look at local history as seen through pub signs and names, with Robert Mee.

Tuesday  9 October

The Victorian Circus
Ann Featherstone
 looks at the circus during its Victorian heyday.

Tuesday 13 November

1918 – Bloody Road to Victory

The final year of the conflict, with reference to William Gregg, by Gareth Howell.

Tuesday 11 December

He’s Behind You!

Oh no he isn’t! Our own Alan Brougham takes a trip to the panto.

Tuesday 8 January 2019

The Life and Adventures of Henry Walker, R.N.

Another voyage through family history with Stephen Flinders.

Tuesday 12 February

The Bennerley Viaduct

Kieran Lee shares the story of the Great Northern line structure.

Tuesday 12 March

Cromford Mill

The story of Sir Richard Arkwright and the cotton-spinning mill. With Chas Arnold.

Tuesday 9 April

The History of Stained Glass Windows
Tony Waldron 
explores this feature of almost every church.

Tuesday 14 May

Annual General Meeting, followed by

The River Trent

Richard Stone on how the Trent has shaped the area for thousands of years.

Tuesday 18 June

Round He’nor

An evening heritage walk around the town centre, led by Robert Mee.


Tuesday 12 September 2017

Langley Mill and Aldercar: 1000 Years in 60 Minutes

Robert Mee describes more than just the industry.

Tuesday 10 October

The Cromford Canal
Hugely important to our area, as David Ratner explains.

Tuesday 14 November

Trust me! I’m your Plague Doctor

An extremely lively look at early medicines, by Eyam’s David Bell.

Tuesday 12 December

The Butterley Company

Tim Castledine examines this major local firm.

Tuesday 9 January 2018

The Victorian Fair – Freaks and Fisticuffs

A welcome return from Ann Featherstone, looking at fairground oddities of the past.

Tuesday 13 February

Ashbourne: Gateway to Dovedale

The history of the town, from medieval to Georgian times. With Danny Wells.

Tuesday 13 March

A Walk around Horsley Woodhouse

Our near neighbour, described by Louise Heaton.

Tuesday 10 April

The Framework Knitters of the East Midlands
Jane Whittaker 
explains this key industry and its history.

Tuesday 8 May

Annual General Meeting, followed by

In Sight of the Gibbet

True tales of the macabre, by author Ian Morgan.

Tuesday 12 June

Horsley Woodhouse Heritage Walk

Following on from the talk in March, this will be an actual walk, led by Alan Bannister.


Tuesday 13 September 2016

Forty Years of Shipley Country Park

The recent anniversary commemorated by Brian Key and Frank Bacon.

Tuesday 11 October

I & R Morley
Yvonne Wright
 looks at a company which was so important to our history.

Tuesday 8 November

Waterloo – the Aftermath

Tim Burgin gives us “part 2” of the story he started last year.

Tuesday 13 December

Sydney Race’s Nottingham Nights

Goose Fair, shop shows, and theatres – with Ann Featherstone.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Terror from the Skies

Steve Flinders tells of the night the Zeppelins came.

Tuesday 14 February

Life in and around Old Heanor

This sounds like a couple of our old books! You can’t get more local than this talk by Brian Key.

Tuesday 14 March

Policing in Nineteenth Century Derbyshire

Heanor will get a mention in this one too – with Robert Mee.

Tuesday 11 April

Annual General Meeting, followed by
Nottingham Suffragettes – how they Won the Vote
A welcome return visit by Rowena Edlin-White.

Tuesday 9 May

Customs and Traditions of the Peak District

Keith Blood presents a miscellany of local practices.

Tuesday 13 June

The Pentrich Rising

An extra meeting this year, with a talk by Mike Parkin, to commemorate the Pentrich Revolution, the bicentenary of which is four days earlier.

Tuesday 11 July

What’s left in Langley Mill? An evening history walk led by Robert Mee.


Tuesday 8 September 2015

Rails around Heanor

A transport theme for our opening meeting, with Brian Key.

Tuesday 13 October

The Nearest Run Thing – the Battle of Waterloo
Tim Burgin
 on this important event from 200 years ago.

Tuesday 10 November

Bradshaw’s Guide and an Early Railway Tour

The timetable’s story – then a mystery history tour with Robert Mee.

Tuesday 8 December

Music Hall: The Singers and the Songs

Ann Featherstone remembers the stars and their melodies.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Oatcakes: Farming and Diet in the North Midlands

Mark Dawson gives a fascinating insight into this once everyday item.

Tuesday 9 February

1960s Heanor and District

Brian Key has a nostalgic look at 50 years ago.

Tuesday 8 March

Offa – the Quality of Mercia

Offa, King of Mercia – his story told by Richard Stone.

Tuesday 12 April

Annual General Meeting, followed by
The Cromford Canal
Mike Kelley 
explains the history of the 14½ waterway.

Tuesday 10 May

Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site.

Why Matlock Bath to Derby is so important; with Adrian Farmer

Tuesday 14 June

Walking tour: The Mill End of Belper

Saturday 2 July

Boat trip on the Cromford Canal.


Tuesday 9 September 2014

Mapperley: A Surprising Village

Our near neighbour described by Mu Stubbs.

Tuesday 14 October

A Taste of Tudor Ilkeston
Stephen Flinders looks at the town in the sixteenth century.

Tuesday 11 November

Local Schooldays

Education in the Heanor area, with Brian Key.

Tuesday 9 December

Grace’s Diary

Rowena Edlin-White describes the life of a Victorian teacher.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Castles of Derbyshire

Robert Mee examines our castles, great and small.

Tuesday 10 February

The Story of Boots

The famous chemists, described by Chris Weir.

Tuesday 10 March

Mediaeval Farming and the Laxton Open-field System

Stuart Rose looks at how the traditional farming system still lives on.

Tuesday 14 April

Annual General Meeting, followed by
Derbyshire Felons and Fellows
The major contribution made by local men, with Joan Ward.

Tuesday 12 May

St Pancras
Nigel Lowey tells the story of St Pancras in London.

Tuesday 9 June

Mapperley Walk


Tuesday 10 September 2013

History along the Erewash Valley Trail

Robert Mee takes a 30-mile historical trip along our local circular footpath/cycle way.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

On the Buses – a Hundred Years of Travel with Trent

The centenary of the Trent Bus Company, with David Bean.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

A Journey through Time: Ripley to Langley Mill

Brian Key looks at changes to local transport.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

William and Mary Howitt – a Literary Marriage

The works of this famous couple from Heanor explained by Rowena Edlin-White.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

View from the Train – Derby to Matlock.

The Derwent Valley Line in the company of Adrian Farmer.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

The Life and Travels of Robert Bruce Napoleon Walker

Stephen Flinders explains how you never know what you will find in family history!

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Band of Brothers

In the centenary of the outbreak of the first World War, Clive Tougher tells of the Derbyshire Territorial Volunteers.

One Man’s War

Clive Tougher tells of the experience of a Derby man during WWI, from call-up to demob.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Society AGM, followed by

On the Trail of Robin Hood

From Nottingham Castle to Sherwood Forest with Margaret Harrison.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

The Music Hall on Film

Film clips and stories presented by Bob Massey.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Visit to the National Memorial Arboretum.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

A tour of two churches at Langley Mill.


Tuesday 11 September 2012

Heanor & District, 1890 – 1920

Brian Key looks at the town at the turn of the last century.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Golden Days of the Music Hall

Stories, Songs, and … Hats! With Trevor Lee.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

The Butterley Company

Two films on the close of this famous firm, with Mike Allen.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Tales of the Pitman

With former miner and mine-rescuer, David Coleman.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

To Kill or Cure

Quirky remedies of the past described by Joan Ward .

Tuesday 12 February 2012

Advertisements of Bygone Times

Bold, colourful and eye-catching, with Patsie Jarman.

Tuesday 12 March 2013


Robert Mee looks at south east Derbyshire before the Norman Conquest.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Society AGM, followed by

The Ripley Rattlers

The centenary of Heanor’s first trams, celebrated by Paul Chambers.

Tuesday 14 May 2013


This local village described by Roy Plumb.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

A tour around Greasley.

Saturday July 6 2013

A visit to the National Tramway Museum, Crich.


Tuesday 13 September 2011

An A to Z of Heanor & District

An alphabetical look at the area, with Brian Key.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Giants of Steam

Vintage railway films presented by Les Henshaw.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Roman Derby

Explained by Joan D’Arcy.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

A History of Smalley

A look at this local village with Robert Mee.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Notable & Notorious Derbyshire Women

Presented by Joan Ward .

Tuesday 14 February 2012

D.H. Lawrence and the Western Erewash Valley

A look at the area’s most famous author, and the influences on him, with Roger Mitchell.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

The 18th Century Housewife

A woman’s work, described by Carol Barstow.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Society AGM, followed by

Getting Away with It

Richard Stone looks at the the lengths people have gone to get away with their crimes.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Wollaton Hall

Its history explained

Tuesday 12 June 2012

A guided tour around Wollaton Hall.

Saturday 7 July 2012

Visit to Southwell, including the Workhouse.


Tuesday 14 September 2010

Heanor & District in the 1950s

An era not so long ago, recalled by Brian Key.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Barrels and Bombs – Stanton Ironworks at War

Recently discovered film footage from the Erewash Museum, Ilkeston, presented by Stephen Flinders.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

In Grandma Gell’s Kitchen

Carol Barstow looks at local food and cookery in the eighteenth century.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Shadows and Shades – Shipley Country Park

A presentation by Mu Stubbs on the impact of the Miller Mundy dynasty on Shipley.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

How to Sell your Wife!

Richard Stone looks at marriage, divorce, and some less formal customs, through the ages.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Canal Boat People

The difficulties of family life through 200 years on the barges. Explored by Dr Wendy Freer.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Vic Hallam – a Man and a Company

A major employer in Langley Mill – gone but not forgotten. With Robert Mee.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

The Canary Girls of Chilwell

Preceded by the AGM, Maureen Rushden tells the story of the munitions workers of the first world war.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

D.H.Lawrence – The Early Years

Our most famous local author – a presentation by the DH Lawrence Society.

19th Century Belper

Adrian Farmer describes life and times in a nearby town.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

A visit to Eastwood, to look at the heritage of D.H.Lawrence.

A walking tour around Belper to tie in with the May talk.

Saturday 2 July 2011

A whole day trip to Eden Camp in Yorkshire.


Tuesday 8 September 2009

200 Years at Denby Pottery

The history of a local pottery company with a world-wide reputation, explained by Linda Salt.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

The History of Canals and Waterways

A filmshow presented by Les Henshaw, telling the story of the UK waterway network, including the Falkirk Wheel

Tuesday 10 November 2009

A Seasonal Journey

David Cox looks at the four seasons in the Heanor area.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

The M.G.O. – from Start to Journey’s End

The lifetime of a bus company, described by Paul Chambers

Tuesday 12 January 2010

I-Spy – A Quizzical Look at the Heanor Area

Robert Mee invites you to identify where the photographs he shows were taken

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Canals and Railways of the Erewash Valley

The area’s main transport links are explained by Brian Key.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Notable and Notorious Women of Derbyshire

Exploring the lives and times of some of the exceptional women who have made an impact on our county. With Joan Ward.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Grabbing the Headlines

A look at Derbyshire’s newspaper publishing industry over the last 250 years. With Ruth Gordon.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Florence Nightingale

Preceded by the AGM, Clive Tougher celebrates the life of this Derbyshire girl, in the centenary year of her death.

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Barrels and Bombs – Stanton Ironworks at War

Recently discovered film footage from the Erewash Museum, Ilkeston, presented by Stephen Flinders.

The Baptists in Derbyshire

A history of the Baptist Church in the county, presented by Stephen Greasley.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

An evening walk around three of Heanor’s Churches, with guides around the buildings, in association with “Churches Together”.

Sunday 4 July 2010

Visit to Manor Lodge, Sheffield, the home of Mary Queen of Scots during many years of imprisonment.


Tuesday 9 September 2008

Heanor & District’s Lost Past

A slide show by Brian Key and Roger Hull, looking at places and views which can no longer be seen.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

TV Snips into Heanor

John Wright presents a selection of excerpts on DVD, showing how the town has been recorded for posterity.

Tuesday 11 November 2008

Voices from the Past – Letters from the Regimental Archives

A talk by Clive Tougher, Education Officer of the Sherwood Foresters Regimental Museum.

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Loscoe Then and Now

A study of this local village by Brian Key.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Mary Queen of Scots: The Captive Queen 1568-1584

The history of her imprisonment in the East Midlands, presented by David Templeman.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Cavalcade of Variety

An evening of historical entertainment with Trevor Lee.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Little Eaton – The Little Town by the Water

An historical tour through a village a few miles from us, with Mu Stubbs and Graham Richards.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Mine’s a Pint!

Robert Mee looks at the history of the area’s hostelries – no drinks on the house unfortunately!

Tuesday 14 April 2009

A Seasonal Journey

Preceded by the AGM, David

 looks at the four seasons in the Heanor area.

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Forty Glorious Years

To conclude the series of meetings in the Society’s 40th year, members will present the highlights of the town since 1968.

Tuesday 9 June 2009

An evening visit to the Arkwright Mill, Cromford.

Saturday 4 July 2009

An afternoon tour of Derbyshire, in the company of Keith Blood.


Tuesday 11 September 2007

The Changing Face of Heanor and District

A “then-and-now” slide show, of the changes to the Heanor area, presented by our Chairman and Treasurer, Roger Hull and Robert Mee.

Tuesday 9 October 2007

Florence Nightingale and the 95th Foot

Derbyshire nursing pioneer, Florence Nightingale, and her links with the 95th Regiment, later part of the Sherwood Foresters. An illustrated talk by Clive Tougher.

Tuesday 13 November 2007

Once Upon a Pantomime

An evening of seasonal and historical entertainment presented by Trevor Lee.

Tuesday 11 December 2007

Owd Ilson

A look at the history of our near neighbour Ilkeston, in a talk given by Stephen Flinders.

Tuesday 8 January 2008

The History of Nottingham Cinemas

A filmshow presented by Les Henshaw.

Tuesday 12 February 2008

Farmhouses Through Time

Blue Badge Guide, Keith Blood, gives us a tour of farmhouses around Derbyshire.

Tuesday 11 March 2008

A History of Coalmining in Nottinghamshire

Heanor was a mining community, and so many of our forefathers walked a few miles to pits in Nottinghamshire. This talk by David Amos covers the importance of the industry to the surrounding area.

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Codnor Castle and its Park

After our AGM, Brian Key, gives an illustrated talk on the oldest surviving remains in the area.

Tuesday 13 May 2008

A History of Heanor Grammar School

The key stages of the school’s history, from 1893 to 1976, are explained by Robert Mee.

Tuesday 10 June 2008

An evening guided walk around Darley Abbey.

Saturday 5 July 2008

Visit to the National Coal Mining Museum, at Caphouse Colliery, Wakefield.


Tuesday 12 September 2006

“Who was Mrs. Williamson?”

A biographical detective story presented by John Titford, author of the “Ey Up Me Duck” series of books.

Tuesday 10 October 2006

The Chesterfield to Derby Turnpike Road

An illustrated talk by Howard Smith on one of the turnpikes which ran only a few miles away from Heanor.

Tuesday 14 November 2006

The Fryars of Denby

Jill Sparrow looks at the Fryar family who played an important role in the development of the coal industry in the area.

Tuesday 12 December 2006

History Beneath our Feet

Stephen Flinders, of the Ilkeston and District Local History Society, reports on the archaeological dig at Ilkeston’s old vicarage.

Tuesday 9 January 2007

Derbyshire Bridges

An illustrated talk by Keith Blood, looking at bridges throughout the county.

Tuesday 13 February 2007

The C9

A nostalgic trip with Brian Key along the Midland General bus route from Alfreton to Hucknall.

Tuesday 13 March 2007

The City – Nottingham beneath your Feet.

Margaret Harrison looks at the famous caves of Nottingham.

Thursday 29 March 2007 (new date)

The C9

A nostalgic trip with Brian Key along the Midland General bus route from Alfreton to Hucknall.

Tuesday 10 April 2007

Annual General Meeting, followed by a talk by Neville Sharpe on the Derbyshire County Show.

Tuesday 8 May 2007

Visit to the Broadmarsh Caves, Nottingham, to fit in with our March meeting.

Tuesday 12 June 2007

A local visit to Morley Church, including the Bateman Mausoleum, which is rarely opened to the public.


Tuesday 13 September 2005

Heanor & Loscoe – A Family Story

An illustrated talk by society member Neville Sharpe, on his family history and their role in the history of these two communities.

Tuesday 11 October 2005

Goose Fair

A talk by Margaret Harrison on the most famous fair in the country, just 10 miles from Heanor and a regular haunt of our locals.

Tuesday 8 November 2005

A Tour of Amber Valley

Society member, Brian Key, gives an illustrated tour of the wider area around Heanor, which gives its name to the District Council under which we lie.

(A late change, due to the unavailability of the planned speaker, Joan Ward.

Tuesday 13 December 2005

Sweete Chevin Hills: Duffield, Derbyshire

Mu Stubbs and Graham Richards, who have presented several interesting talks to the Society in the past, now turn their attention to the Duffield area, just a few miles away, and steeped in history.

Tuesday 10 January 2006

Motoring in the 20’s and 30’s

A series of films, presented by Les Henshaw, continuing the theme of early motoring which he commenced last year.

Tuesday 14 February 2006

Crime in Langley Mill

Our treasurer, Robert Mee, presents the findings of his research into crime in Langley Mill over the period of 20 years either side of 1900.

Tuesday 14 March 2006

Langley Mill Pottery – its History and Wares.

John and Jenifer Giblin present a talk with the same title as their excellent book. (If you haven’t yet seen it, you ought to hunt it out!)

Tuesday 11 April 2006

Annual General Meeting, followed by “A Heanor & District Miscellany,” an experimental evening where we hope have a greater audience participation.

Tuesday 9 May 2006

Visit to Belper North Mill, one of the oldest examples of water-based cotton-spinning.

Saturday 17 June 2006

Visit to Renishaw Hall,  in north Derbyshire, home to the Sitwell family who also had connections with Smalley.


Tuesday 14 September 2004

The History of the Sherwood Foresters

A talk by Cliff Housley on the History of this famous local regiment.

Tuesday 12 October 2004

Haddon Hall – Facts and Fancies

The home of the Manners family, described in an illustrated talk by Trevor Brighton.

Tuesday 9 November 2004

Customs of Christmas

An (early) festive presentation on local Christmas traditions, by Joan Ward.

Tuesday 14 December 2004

Heage Windmill and its Restoration.

Built in the 1790’s and now restored, our nearest working windmill and its history is explained by Alan Gifford.

Tuesday 11 January 2005

The Vintage Years of Motoring

A series of films, presented by Les Henshaw, on early motoring.

Tuesday 8 February 2005

A Night at the Empire

A lively presentation by Trevor Lee, on the films of yesteryear and the cinemas in which they were shown.

Tuesday 8 March 2005

Langley Mill and its Industrial Past

Chairman, Roger Hull, explains the industrial heritage of this part of the locality.

Tuesday 12 April 2005

Annual General Meeting, followed by “Railways and Coal,” presented by Brian Key, looking at the dependence on each other of these two key areas of our local history.

Tuesday 10 May 2005

Visit to Swanwick Hayes, the home of Fitzherbert Wright, built in the 1850’s.

Saturday 14 May 2005

Visit to Haddon Hall, following October’s meeting.

Tuesday 14 June 2005

Visit to Heage Windmill, to fit in with December’s meeting


Tuesday 9 September 2003

Looking Back at Ourselves

A talk by Bryan Wright on Langley Mill, together with a postcard display by Andrew Knighton

Tuesday 14 October 2003

Derbyshire Landscapes for All Seasons

An illustrated talk by Stuart Bramwell

Tuesday 11 November 2003

The FitzHerberts of Tissington Hall

A talk and slideshow, presented by Ruth Jordan, on the FitzHerbert family and the Tissington area, near Ashbourne

Tuesday 9 December 2003

Brindley’s 18th Century Inland Port

An explanation of the development and importance of Shardlow to the canal system. Speaker – Jeffery Clifton

Tuesday 13 January 2004

Transport through the Ages

A series of films, presented by Les Henshaw, on what is always the most popular subject for our meetings.

Tuesday 10 February 2004

Past Times in Amber Valley

Committee Member Brian Key gives an illustrated talk on the area covered by Amber Valley District Council, which includes Heanor.

Tuesday 9 March 2004

Less Well-Known Areas of Derbyshire

An illustrated talk by Joan Ward

Tuesday 13 April 2004

Annual General Meeting, followed by “Around Old Heanor,” presented by Society members.

Tuesday 11 May 2004

Visit to Tissington Hall, following November’s meeting.

Tuesday 8 June 2004

Visit to Shardlow, to fit in with December’s meeting

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The Society

The Heanor and District Local History Society was formed in 1968, and currently has a membership...

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Local History is an area which is developing fast on the internet. The links below are grouped...

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This page is partly to act as a reminder for us, as to what else we would like to publish to the...

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