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Henry Garnett

Henry Garnett

This page is slightly different, in that the story it tells is in the form of a poem. The Ballad of Henry Garnett was written to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot of November 1605. The poet is Cathy Grindrod, who, in 2005 was appointed...
Noted People

Noted People

(As well as this page, see also the pages on Henry Garnett and on the Suffragette Movement.) William and Mary Howitt William Howitt was born in Heanor in 1792 to a well-connected Quaker family. He married Mary Botham, also a Quaker, at Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, in...
The Suffragette Movement

The Suffragette Movement

Womens Suffrage Societies were first founded in the late 1860s, and as the vote was gradually extended to all men, the issue of women’s rights came to the fore. 1898 saw the formation of The National Federation of Women’s Suffrage Groups, and in 1903, the Women’s...
Mine Accidents

Mine Accidents

With such a strong mining heritage, it is inevitable, if unfortunate, that there will be an equally strong history of accidents and disasters. This page (which will be developed further) hopes to serve in some small way as a tribute to the miners of the past, in...
Ormonde Colliery

Ormonde Colliery

The last of the deep-mine pits to be opened in the Heanor area, Ormonde Colliery was sunk by the Butterley Company in 1906, and production began in 1908. Two shafts were sunk through the old workings in the Deep Soft and Deep Hard seams from Loscoe Pit to reach the...